Company Profile Design Services Kenya
Company Profile Design Services Kenya
kanatech systems

Francis Thige

Kanatech Systems - Website Design & SEO in Nairobi

Kanatech Systems is a leading company offering branding services. We assist businesses to transform ideas into a unique business identity that can fuel growth, We help companies come up with an image that stands out from the pack.

Some of the strategies that we use include:

  • Use of logos/trademarks that improve visibility of a company, product or service. This is attained through proper research and using tried and tested methodologies.
  • Corporate colours that blend well with the specific products and services that a company is offering.
  • Developing with our clients captivating slogans and brand lines that will be etched in the minds of their clients, and ensure that they always remain relevant in the market.
  • Training companies on how to protect their brands through developing good relationships with investors, media, competitors, government and others in a way that will give the company a competitive advantage in the ever-changing market.

In the 21st century, consumers make buying decisions based on the perception of the brand rather than the reality of the product. Brands have therefore become more valuable than the physical assets they represent. A strong corporate brand adds depth and value to your company’s product and service offerings.


Your company will grow faster than ever before through the creation and nurturing of a strong brand identity.

About the Author

Picture of Francis Thige

Francis Thige

Francis Thige is the Managing Director at Kanatech Systems. We improve your business by designing and developing a Website, Logo, Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Branding Services .

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